Vistas estereoscópicas de Frank M. Good

The Spanish Stereoviews of Frank M. Good

(En negrita los títulos añadidos por CFRivero)

nº de serie Título
232 Spanish Chestnuts
240 Bayonne, from the Citadel
242 Biarritz, The Oyster Beds
243 Biarritz, The Bathing Place
244 Biarritz, The Virgin Rock
245 St. Sebastian, Doorway of Santa Maria
246 Moorish Aqueduct.
248 Saragossa, Leaning Tower
249 Saragossa, [Basílica del Pilar]
250 Saragossa, Door of San Felipe
251 Saragossa, View in the Market
252 Saragossa, Fountain of Neptune
254 Barcelona, from Monjure
256 Barcelona, The ancient Gate of the City
257 Barcelona, Cloisters of Cathedral
258 Barcelona, Church of Santa Maria del Mar, Principal Facade
259 Barcelona, Entrance to the Church of Santa Maria del Pino
260 Barcelona, Doorway of La Real Audencia
261 Barcelona, Door of Santa Eulalia
262 Barcelona, Fountain on Plaza Real
263 Barcelona, Fountain of Neptune
264 Barcelona, Fountain in Botanic Gardens
265 Barcelona, Sculptured Corner, Rue de Belem
267 Valencia, Apostles’ Door of Cathedral
268 Valencia, Doorway of Cathedral or Portal del Palan
269 Valencia, The Lonja of Exchange
269a Valencia, Tower of Santa Catalina
270 Valencia, Portion of Façade of the House of Marque’s de Dos Aguas
271 Tarragona, General View
272 Tarragona, View from the Ramparts, shewing remains of Roman Amphitheatre
273 Tarragona, The Cathedral
274 Tarragona, Front of the Cathedral
275 Tarragona, Cloisters of Cathedral
276 Tarragona, The Cathedral, Door leading into the Cloister
277 Tarragona, The Cathedral, View in the Cloisters
278 Tarragona, The Cathedral, shewing Cloister Arches
279 Tarragona, Cathedral, Entrance to Chapter House, Norman
280 Tarragona, The Cathedral, View in the Cloister Garden
281 Tarragona, View of the Roman Aqueduct
282 Tarragona, Scipio’s Tomb
283 Tarragona, San Antonio’s Cross
284 Cordova, Panomara – Moorish Mill in the foreground
285 Cordova, the Cathedral, from the River
286 Cordova, Bridge and Gateway
287 Cordova, View from Garden Tower in the Alcazar
289 Cordova, Interior of Cathedral, Avenue of Columns
290 Cordova, Interior of Cathedral or Mosque
291 Cordova, Interior of the Mosque or Cathedral
292 Cordova, Doorway of the Cathedral
293 Cordova, Cathedral, View of the Cloisters
294 Cordova, Cathedral, Moorish Doorway
294[bis] Cordova, Cathedral, Moorish Doorway
295 Cordova, Cathedral, Entrance to Cloisters
296 Cordova, the College Entrance
297 Cordova, Door of Cathedral and College
298 Cordova, Entrance to Church of San Pablo
299 Cordova, Market Place (very picturesque)
300 Cordova, Market Place (Side view)
302 Cordova, Old Moorish Mill – Still in use
303 Cordova, Street View.
304 Cordova, Tower and Bridge- this Tower
305 Cordova, Tower on Torre de la Mala Muerte, date 1406
308 Cordova, The Caliph’s Avenue
309 Cordova, Exterior view of the Walls of Cathedral
310 Cordova, A Market Bit.
311 Cordova, Costumes &c.
313 Seville, Panorama from Alcazar
315 Seville, The Cathedral
316 Seville, The Cathedral from Alcazar
317 Seville, Cathedral from the Bull Ring
318 Seville, Bridge over the Guadalquiver
319 Seville, Mosque part of the Cathedral
320 Seville, Entance to Alcazar
321 Seville, Entance to Alcazar
322 Seville, Centre Door. Façade of Alcazar
323 Seville, Part of Inner Court, Alcazar
324 Seville, Near View of detail of Inner Court
325 Seville, Entrance to the Ambassadors’ Hall
326 Seville, Court of the Alcazar, side view from Ambassadors’ Hall
327 Seville, Where the king was killed, Alcazar
328 Seville, Doorway, Alcazar
329 Seville, Alcazar (details)
330 Seville, View on the South Side of the Court of Alcazar
331 Seville, Fountain in the Lower Court of the Alcazar
333 Seville, Court of the Alcazar
334 Seville, Moorish Arches – Alcazar
335 Seville, Sultana’s Bathing Place
336 Seville, Bath in Garden of the Alcazar
337 Seville, Casa de Pilatos. The fountain
338 Seville, Casa de Pilatos. View on the South Side of Court
339 Seville, Minerva with Club, in the Casa de Pilatos.
340 Seville, Minerva with Spear, in the Casa de Pilatos

6 comentarios en “Vistas estereoscópicas de Frank M. Good”

  1. Fco. Javier Sesmilo

    En internet (ebay) he encontrado la cartulina núm. 308.
    Su título es:
    «CORDOVA–The Calips’s Avenue»
    Javier Sesmilo

  2. Fco. Javier Sesmilo

    Estimados Teresa y Juan Antonio:
    La cartulina número de serie 263 tiene el título siguiente:
    BARCELONA – Fountain of Neptune.
    Dato que les servirá para ir completando la lista.
    La he localizado en «Todocolección» con un precio muy elevado (300 €, negociables).
    Un saludo cordial,
    Javier Sesmilo

  3. Fco. Javier Sesmilo

    Estimados Teresa y Juan Antonio:

    Aunque en malas condiciones de conservación, poseo la Vista estereoscópica número de serie 335 que tiene el título siguiente:

    SEVILLE – Sultana’s Bathing Place.

    Si lo consideran de interés y me facilitan su Correo electrónico les puedo enviar una copia.

    Un saludo cordial,
    Javier Sesmilo

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